
Upcoming Events and Opportunities

Sep 3 Women's Tuesday PM Bible Study
Sep 4 Women's Wednesday AM Bible Study
Sep 4 Wednesday Night Dinner
Sep 4 Wednesday Night Classes
Sep 8 Membership Class
Sep 12 Gospel Mom's
Sep 15 Prayer Gathering Lunch
Sep 20 - 21 NCT - NorthCreek Counseling Training
Oct 4 - 6 Women's Retreat
Oct 11 - 20 Reformation Tour
Oct 18 - 19 NCT - NorthCreek Counseling Training


Events on 11/14/2023




We exist to build Christians who worship God,
walk in love, and witness to the world.

Join us Sundays at 9:00AM & 10:45AM

  |  (925) 210-9036 

© 2024 NorthCreek Church | Walnut Creek   |   2303 Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek, CA US 94598
