Justin L

Pastor of Global Outreach

Justin oversees all our Global and Local Outreach efforts and has pastoral staff oversight of our OneLife (late 30s-40s) and Pathfinders (late 40s-50s) life stages. He first came to NorthCreek in 2000 and turned to Christ through the faithful teaching and discipleship that the Lord provided. He also met his wife, Jenny, here, and they were married in 2002. They have 3 daughters and a son. Justin graduated from UCLA with a bachelor’s in mathematics, spent more than 10 years as a software developer and completed his Master of Divinity at The Master’s Seminary in southern California. He came on staff at NorthCreek in 2011 and served in Central Asia from 2017-2023. He enjoys all kinds of outdoor activities, especially camping and hiking with his family.


Rod McCleary


Adam Chiappelone