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Fostering women's spiritual growth for the glory of God and His church.

Ministries / Women

Women’s Ministry seeks to help all women of NorthCreek Church to worship God, walk in love and witness to the world. We do that by offering Bible studies, discipleship, and special events that allow for spiritual growth and fellowship. Please join us this year as we grow together in the Word of God and in communion with each other.

What is Women’s Ministry?

Bible Studies

Deepen your understanding of the Bible and grow alongside other women in faith by joining one of our five women’s Bible study groups. Check the calendar below for dates and times. Consider joining one and getting plugged in with other women at the church.

Gospel Moms

Gospel Moms is a ministry where moms of young children can find encouragement and discipleship from older women. We meet in small groups and learn how to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ to our daily lives. Our purpose is to follow the command in Titus 2:3-5. instructing the older women to “teach what is good, and so train the younger women… so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.”


The Women’s events provide key ways to grow in your relationship with other women as well as in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ministry Leaders

Laurie Agnello

Director of Women's Ministries

Laurie has been a member of NorthCreek since 1997 and has held various leadership roles. She has served as the Director of Women’s Ministries for over a decade and continues in this role today. Additionally, she is NorthCreek’s Lead Female Counselor. As a certified biblical counselor, Laurie provides exceptional leadership, training, and support within the Biblical Counseling Ministry. Laurie married Joel in 1980, and they have two adult daughters. The family enjoys outdoor activities together, but their greatest joy comes from traveling and spending time with their four grandchildren.

Katie Willis

Director of Women's Ministries

Katie and her husband Steve have been attending NorthCreek since 1998. Katie has served in various ministries, volunteering much of her time in Women’s Ministry for 17 years. She moved into a director role in 2022. Katie has a bachelor’s degree in English and a teaching credential from Azusa Pacific University. She is also an instructor for the Charles Simeon Trust organization, equipping women at NorthCreek and around the world to study and teach the Bible to other women. As a director, she has the absolute pleasure to engage with NorthCreek women in Bible study, counseling, discipleship, fellowship events, and equipping programs. When not working, Katie and Steve love to travel with their three adult children. You might also find her tucked away at home enjoying a good puzzle or mystery novel.

Support Staff

Jen Douglas

Biblical Counseling Coordinator

Connect with us

Have a Question?

Our team would love to help! You can send us an email at women@northcreek.org and we will answer back as soon as we can!